Tech Shock - from Parent Zone

9. Bonus episode - The minimal digital living standard

Parent Zone Season 8 Episode 9

A minimal digital living standard is a benchmark. It refers to both a level of digital skills and access to tech that can appropriately meet an individual’s basic needs – not just ‘nice-to-haves’. It involves things like communication and connection with others, and the ability to engage with opportunities and digital services adequately and safely. 

This week, Vicki is joined by Dr Emma Stone, director of evidence and engagement at the Good Things Foundation; professor of Digital Culture at the University of Liverpool, Simeon Yates; and Dr Chloe Blackwell from the Centre for Research in Social Policy at Loughborough University to look at what a minimal digital living standard might look like in practice. 

Talking points:

  • What goes into constructing a metric like the ‘minimal digital living standard’? 
  • Is grasping relative differences between groups the key to understanding digital inclusion and exclusion?
  • How can – or how should – policymakers and organisations begin to use this benchmark in their work?

Tech Shock is a Parent Zone production. Follow Parent Zone on social media for all the latest on our work on helping families to thrive in the digital age. Presented by Vicki Shotbolt. Tech Shock is produced and edited by Tim Malster.


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